Nature has a way of showing us just how to live life in a creation sort of way. This tree is the very depiction of survival at its finest. Against the elements, the seed took hold, the roots never let go, and this beautiful tree grew towards the light into a thriving life amid the harshness of the struggle. This resonates so much with the Divine power of the Holy Spirit.
Like life itself, the struggle to survive is real, and it took that tree a long time to get to that point in time for its purpose. The roots still cling providing sturdy limbs and leaves of shade for the birds and other animals to nest and take rest. Sometimes our purpose in life takes a lot of struggle, healing, determination, staying the course, preparing, praying, and conversing before it comes to fruition. Keep going, living, thriving!
The beauty of this life is what you are determined to make of it when the odds are stacked against you! Remember, the Holy One within is always waiting to help you grow.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10