
Be reminded that kindness shines further than self-importance.  Patience gives way to wisdom. Striving to live and project God’s light calms storms, eases burdens, and heals souls. You included!

Storms sometimes clear the air, make a way, or serve to open up new  pathways. If navigated with the love of Christ at the forefront, new hope arises. Steer clear of motives that are hurtful to yourself and others.

Storms can cause irresponsible damage. If approached in anger,  revenge, or jealousy, your ship will sink into unhealthy darkness.  Take care of how you handle things. Even a smile sends light to the eyes and out into the unknown world. Never discount such a small kind gesture.  Choose the Jesus way. Seek Holy Spirit guidance.

When you feel a storm brewing, go to God’s Word. As storms engulf your life in a hard season, pray without ceasing. If you see others struggling in a season of storms, offer wisdom, encouragement, and plant the seeds of Son-shine.

We are born to shine in God’s light, not wallow in the darkness of this world’s endeavors. Today, be the sunshine.

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Malachi 4:2