
Photo / Quote Credit: Nadia Bolz-Weber
Best Selling Author, Ordained Lutheran Minister,
I have this quote in my phone so I can go to it often because it speaks to my heart in ways that affects me deeply. ~ Donna Pool
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 (ESV)

I stumble, I get careless, I make mistakes, I miscalculate, I say the wrong thing in the wrong way, I sin. I recognize it (repent), I ask for forgiveness, and I accept Jesus’ mercy (un-earned by works or deeds), I change. If God was looking for perfect, holy people I would be left out. But, that’s not the case because none of us humans are perfect, not even the highly religious leaders. Over and over in God’s Word Jesus searched for open hearts and taught willing souls to live by His example all the while healing, performing miracles, praying to the Heavenly Father for guidance as He traveled and preached with a band of misfits, sinners, and stumblers. Now, I would fit right in with this group!

The power of God’s Word and Jesus teachings had the ability to change and transform lives then and can do the same today. From prostitutes (Mary Magdalene), tax collectors (Matthew), to a Christian killer and one who persecuted the church (Saul of Tarsus who became Paul), Jesus spoke of the God who accepts all, forgives the greatest of sins, stumbles, and mistakes. We must ask and we will be transformed. He told them to use their story to tell others of the all consuming Love of God who forgives the greatest stumble and sin.

What’s Your Story? Who Needs to Hear it Today?