In a world that measures success in doing, fixing, accomplishing, and hurrying, it is no wonder life in the fast lane creates broken spirits, confusing thoughts, and exhaustion. As believers, we are called to disentangle from this highway to hell and walk a different path. The narrow path of holiness beckons us to follow closely. It is not for the faint of heart, yet continuing down the open highway of this world only leads to destruction.
One of the hardest things to do in this life is to remain calm and trust the process. Only God can do this within us in the midst of the killer highway. We must ask for His strength.
It is much easier to just follow the crowd to nowhere, but in the end, people become bitter, angry, disenchanted, and hard hearted. That is not how God wants us to live.
Your strength is not how much you can accomplish but rather by maintaining calm amid life’s traffic jams and choosing to trust God in the hardest storms. It is your choice.
Choose the narrow path and get off the highway to hell.