In this modern world, we are all conscious of the need to take care of our physical bodies. To maintain a semblance of health, we pay attention to whether we are eating enough fruits and vegetables for daily nourishment. After a huge meal, we may decide we need to go for a long walk, ride a horse, play a round of golf, or go to the gym to exercise. Many include some type of exercise program in their budget for weekly expenses. A healthy lifestyle means you are interested in and are aware of what is good for your physical body. You make the time and put forth the effort with the goal of fitness, slenderness, strength, better heart and lung capacity, to alleviate joint pain, and to maintain a healthy body. It is good sensible self care.Â
How about your spiritual self care? What kind of spirit exercises do you engage in to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of God?
For you to feel, see, and engage in the fire of the Holy Spirit, you must put forth even more effort and awareness than you do when planning your personal health and exercise regime.
Stoke the fire. Every day. Once or twice a week is not enough. Singing Kumbaya around a campfire once a year is not enough. It will die out eventually if you don’t because chaos in our lives are daily occurrences. If it is not already a daily habit when emergencies arise, natural disasters occur, or even just getting caught up in the craziness of life in general, will leave your Holy Spirit part of your life forgotten.
Today is the day to stir your embers within and set your spark ablaze. Say a prayer while you pump iron. Pop in your air pods and turn on a praise song while you ride your horse. Take a walk in God’s creation, noticing the wonders and sounds, and give thanks. Meditate with Jesus instead of agrandizing your self-importance. Read and ponder the Word to the sound of the ocean. Journal your dreams, visions, and aspirations, and find God in their midst. Live your life and include God in it every step of the way. Every day.
If one by one all of humanities Holy Spirit fires die out, who is guarding against the gates of hell? We would be left hiding away on the outskirts. But, we are warriors. We don’t cower. We don’t give up. We exercise our Holy Spirit fire and then help someone else start their own Holy Fire within.
Stoke the Holy Fire within. Every day. Even when you don’t feel like it. It is the most important exercise and self care you will ever do in your life.
Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29