Stoke the Fire

Baptize Me With The Holy Fire
“The Angel of the Lord pours Oil on a flaming heart burning in Holy fire day and night.”
Artist/Quote Credit: Prophetic Art by Jennifer Page (2008)
There are so many creative elements in this painting beckoning us to take hold of the exciting fire spirit within and allow God to pour into us all that we need to grow beyond what we could ever imagine

Many times a really exciting and uplifting worship experience, whether it’s one on one with God, singing a praise song in the car, or during a church service, can get us stoked and fired up spiritually only to fizzle out by week’s end. Endless financial setbacks, chaos at work, distractions at home, discord that disrupts harmony chip away at us and the fire slowly goes out. Truth is life is not easy and it is never promised us that just because we are fired up in our Spirits, it will become easier to live in this earthly realm.

HOWEVER, THERE IS A BIGGER TRUTH TO LIVE BY IN THE WORLD. God never leaves us stranded. Within our Spirit He gives us answers to life’s hardest issues if we quiet the endless chatter in our minds and chaos going on around us to Hear the Voice of the One Who CAN Stoke the Fire Within our Spirit, and Keep It Going! How? Below are a few ideas.

  • Feed Your Spirit Everyday By Reading His Holy Word
  • Don’t just depend on a once a week worship experience; Make It Everyday
  • Walk in Nature and Listen to the Leaves Whisper Holy
  • Hike in the mountains and Hear the Majesty of His Grandeur Speak
  • Watch the Birds for They Have Lots To Share about Survival
  • Garden, Ride Horses, Run…whatever draws you close to Jesus
  • Journal, Draw, and/or Record Your Thoughts From the Creator
  • Sit by the Water and Listen in Silence for the Water Speaks in Prayer
  • Turn off the secular music. Sing Along with Holy music, genre is unimportant
  • Seek out a Spiritually led friend, group, church, and/or recovery meeting to grow in faith and hold each other up in Prayer. Search until You Find The People and Place God has chosen for You. It will resonate in your Spirit.
  • Learn to spend time alone with yourself and spending time alone with God will come naturally
  • Find whatever it is that connects you Personally with God within to keep your Spirit fire from slowly dying: Stoke Your Fire Your Way With God

“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)