Still Trust God

Do you still trust God after medical emergencies, family hardships, cancer, an addicted child, personal struggles? Trust is much easier when life is smooth sailing, but that is not how life in satans world goes on earth.

The enemy tries to take us out. God intervenes IN HIS TIMING, all while He is working miracles within each one we do not even know about. God teaches us what to pray when life breaks our hearts.

Holy will send us to scripture, a deer in the field, numbers on the dashboard, a delicate bloom seemingly so fragile in a world full of smoke and mirrors. Trust is built on those tiny signs to us every day. God is with us.

Are you noticing your God-sent moments amid the chaos, distractions, busyness, and upheaval as well as when life is good?

And the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written,‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ Luke 4:3

Today, be reminded that Jesus lived the onslaught of evil and prevailed for you and me because His faith was built on truth and trust especially in the difficult situations. God knows. Jesus saves. Reach for Him every time. Trust the process.