Complacency takes over, complaining sets in, and life becomes one big drudgery when we just trudge through each day doing the same old safe thing. Where is the hope, the purpose, the laughter, the adventure? Make no mistake, life on earth is hard. Yet, we are not created to just survive the day. We are created to seize the beauty of each rising sun, enjoy the playful antics of squirrels, smile at everyone we meet, and find good, genuine purpose in Holy, so that when opportunity comes along, taking us out of our comfort zone, we are open to it and ready. The one element we must always go to when stepping out is Trust. Do I trust that zip line to hold? Do I trust the parachute to open when I jump? Do I trust the situation enough to stand up and speak?
It is the same when we muster up the courage to step out of our comfort zone to embrace Holy will. If we truly trust it is Divine will, we take the leap of faith, and our spirit is freed to grow in ways we could not possibly fathom. Time to face your fears? Success awaits.
“And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16