Standing in Firm Softness

Doves coo as I stand in the crisp morning sun thanking God and listening for Holy Spirit to speak. I heard “Stand firm in the softness that you were created for in me.” I was comforted and affirmed in the peaceful faith in my Heavenly Father.

Life is hard most times one way or another. Standing firmly in faith does not mean judgements, haughtiness, or hurling hell, fire, and brimstone. Standing in faith is as simple as stating truths and firmly knowing that you believe in God’s goodness and fairness.

It is then you become willing to relinquish everything and everyone to Holy, then move over and let God do His masterful work.

It is time to Stand firm in the softness of your faith by which God leads. Today is the day to begin that practice. This is how our faith moves mountains.

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6