Stand Your Ground

At some point in time we all feel like a nut whether it is self imposed or other nuts have provoked us (not an excuse, just plain fact). If we really think about a time like that, when our actions, words, thoughts were out of control, we realize just how scared and alone we felt in the midst of it. Of course, we did not realize it at the time. The adrenaline, perhaps anger, the racing thoughts, maybe some yelling got us through it and we survived. It was not fun. Rather than feeling strong we felt lost. Yet, we survived it all.

We survived, and are stronger for it. We learned, and from then on try to avoid being in a situation where we might become a little nutty ever again. We grew in wisdom reaching heights in our lives we never knew possible.

We survived and We Remember. As we look back across our lives let us never forget that we couldn’t have made it this far without Divine intervention.

Stand tall and Strong. Stand your ground in Jesus name.

The tree grew and became strong, and its top reached to heaven, and it was visible to the end of the whole earth. Daniel 4:11

Trees in the Bible are symbolic as one of God’s instruments to catch the attention of humanity…

Life – Tree of Life, Growing in Wisdom, Living your Beliefs

Growth – Resilience, Strength, Survival

Change – Life, Death of Jesus on a tree, Lessons Learned

Provisions – Abundance, Seeds, Nuts, Fruit, Healing Barks and Resins for Nourishment, Branches for Nests, Wood for Building, Protection in numbers; Forests

Beauty – Connected to Creation, Leaves that Change Color in the Fall, Bare and Standing Tall Against the Snowstorm, Beautiful flowers and Fruits in the Summer

Variety – Choice to do Good or Fall for Evil, Giant Redwoods, Mighty Oaks, Cedars, Olive, Dogwoods…

Stand Tall. Stand Your Ground. Grow in Wisdom