Spiritual warfare is real. Everyday the battle between good and evil goes on 24/7 on your behalf. God loves us all so much He wants to leave no one behind.
To get behind someone who knows and sees the realm does NOT mean to cower in fear BEHIND THEM hoping to be saved on their coattail. It does mean you must be responsible for your own belief in Jesus’ saving grace, God’s holy Word, and the power of the Holy Spirit within. It is a daily personal relationship to develop and nurture, and not a Sunday ritual.
Demons are real. God is real. We all fight the battle between living for good or for evil on earth while the warrior angels fight in the spiritual realm for our souls. Who do you choose?
God is calling all the prodigals, the ones with a toe in the doors of churches, the ungrateful sinners, the not sure, and the brokenhearted Home. It is up to the hard core believers to help them find the way to Jesus. Are you willing to make the effort?
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. Romans 8:9