Battles between God and Satan occur in the Spiritual Realm for you every day and every night. They never end. You do not see it. This is only one of the reasons for Hebrews 11 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Tangible things, your wealth, or your social status of the earth really mean nothing. The enemy uses them to lure you, tempt you, and deceive you right into idolatry, complacency, and even shallow worship towards ultimate destruction. But the real way the enemy lies to you is by playing mind games. It is your responsibility to guard your heart and mind against these games.
While God’s Holy Warriors fight in the unseen realm for you, it is imperative you join them in the earthly realm. Your life depends on it.
Do not give in to angry words and actions. Tame your mind with prayer and scripture. Do not give in to mean attitudes and chaos. Quiet your mind with time alone with Jesus. It will give you peace. Do not give in to boredom. Worship right where you are in conversation, song, crying out, sitting in Gods creation for a while. Do not lose hope because your faith is lacking instead of being strengthened. Your faith in the unseen will strengthen your heart and mind towards God while shutting down satan’s cunning and deceiving games with your life.