Specks of Grace

Perfect Feather
Photo Credit: Donna Pool

The blanket picks up dust and dirt because of the fibers it is made from, but it’s comfortable so I just shake it out and wash it often. This morning one speck refused to let go. I shook harder to no avail. So I decided to Stop the frantic flailing of the blanket and lift it off with my fingers. Much to my surprise it wasn’t a speck of dust, dog hair, or barn dirt. It was the tiniest, most beautiful bird feather. I sat down and marveled at how even as tiny as it was the shape and colors were perfect. Its beauty was astounding. This was the opportunity God was looking for to teach me something important about life and stopping long enough to find His Grace.

The tiniest speck, when pondered, turns out to be a perfect feather.” ~ Donna Pool

Like the blanket with coarse fibers, we are all uniquely created; imperfect, beautiful, flawed, curious, in a hurry… If we always hurry through life specks of dirt, dust, discontent, and unsettledness is all we see. But, if we take the time to really look, examine, and ponder what’s really going on in our lives we will find specks of His Grace sprinkled amid the dirt and disheveled like a comfortable blanket. Yeah, that Grace. The Divine Grace that is offered to all through the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus. We’ve done nothing to merit it, don’t deserve it, and can’t earn it, but we receive it freely. By His Grace we are forgiven and are called to forgive others. His Grace is perfect no matter how small.

What are the specks in your life telling you today?

“He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:4