Simplicity of Life

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It sounds too simple, but this verse is really what the Divine wants for us: 

  • Joy in each moment of the day; some days you have to be determined to find the joy, but He will show you
  • Praying through hardships, difficult decisions, for everything and everyone we encounter in life; sometimes prayer is all we have
  • Thankfulness in all circumstances and encouraging others in a thankful attitude; many times it’s hard to be thankful for that chronic illness, addiction, loud neighbors, arrogant co-workers… but if we just give thanks we are still alive to make a difference in this world and give it to God, He will take over so you can rest, know peace, and find the joy in life again

Except for these 3 jewels, Joy, Prayer, Thankfulness, we are to leave the rest of life’s crazy workings to Him. The worry, angry tirades, unfairness, hurt, sadness, difficulties, and whatever it is that haunts you today and everyday, Holy Spirit beckons us each and every time to release it. Jesus takes our burdens. He gets you through it all. If we only could get out of His way and trust His process of life for our life on earth, we would find life as a whole easier within all the chaos, illness, hardship, etc. Jesus fights for you in the courts of heaven.

Help someone to find joy today, pray with or for someone going through hardship, and show them a reason to give thanks in their circumstances, even though it may be devastating. I know; easier said than done. But, this is your testimony! Step out in faith and give it a big try . Lighten your load today. Give it all to the Divine.