Show Grace

Stones can be used to destroy, build, or create beauty. What do your stones look like?

David’s stone struck Goliath, ending the war and saving a nation. Nehemiah rebuilt the stone wall God instructed him to in faith for the protection and restoration of His people. Gem-stones were encrusted in the hilts of swords, gifted in settings of jewelry, and lined the crowns of kings. The most precious stone, however, was not cast by Jesus nor the hypocrites in the crowd. Instead, the gift of grace was given, and a woman’s life was saved.

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God… Ephesians 2:8

We are called to give the gift of grace we have received for our own shortcomings. I ask you again, “What do your stones look like?”