Shifting Seasons

Are you in a season of joy and peace, disruption and exhaustion, or confused but soldiering onward? In truth, each season will include all of those things. It is a matter of being able to balance the good amid the bad. Trusting the process of God during the joys is easy. Trusting Holy amid the heartbreak, sudden life changes, or confusion takes effort and work to stay close to His ways.
If our attitudes are negative the heart suffers. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Do not let your heart become cold. It will lead you down the path of self sabatoge. Make the effort to stay close to Jesus’ teachings to guard your heart against whatever the enemy is using to bring you down.
Stay aware of all the messy, chaotic, confusion, but do not dwell there. Choose to find the joy.

Ask God to show you the joys in your life today. Be expectant. It may be a small thing, but remember a mustard seed of faith is the key to finding your kingdom answers. Stay strong in faith.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everying you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23