
In this Holy journey on earth, we are called to share our things, money, and time.  Many times,our immediate calling is to just be there for someone. That costs you nothing.

Too many times, we want to just send money to a mission but not be available to help others in our daily lives. This is not how Jesus taught us to live. We are to engage in God’s work daily.

Today, let’s change that. Reach out to someone in Jesus’ name. Your holy energy could be just the thing someone needs. If sunflowers do it, you can too. May your day be blessed with peace and the presence of God.

He went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people. Matthew 4:23

Jesus had that kind of Holy energy. Now, as a believer,  you have that energy within by the power of Jesus’ Holy Spirit.