Animals are selfless. (Well, except for the humans). Horses, especially, are forgiving when we don’t ride them well, still nuzzle and love us when they know it was a rough, confusing ride, and always look forward to seeing us arrive at the barn. No words needed. A rider just feels the sacrifice, the love, the joy the horse exudes even when they misbehave or we ride them badly.
Sometimes human relationships need this unspoken language of respect, trust, and unconditional love. No words needed. You just know you could help a friend by cleaning a stall, asking for riding company, offering the gift of sharing your equine in some way, giving an encouraging word, and/or standing by them in silence when loss is imminent.
The language of love comes in many shapes and forms. Jesus taught us to love all selflessly.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And the second: Love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37-39
Do you love selflessly or selfishly?