
What are you searching for in life? You have Jesus in your heart, surviving in this world good, but there’s something feels not quite right?

We live in an evil world filled with hate, accusations, over stimulation, and confused morals. Yet, God wants us to find joy and happiness amid the conflict. How do you find your joy?

As our search goes on let us remember that Satan is the great pretender. He pretends to care, pretends to be God, and will destroy your close relationship with Jesus at great cost to you. He tries to blind you to sin, urges you to run away from the hard things going on in life, and serves up fake peace and happiness in all the wrong places. Do not be fooled. Ask for Help.

As we carry on in day to day life in perilous times stay aware of the enemies games and focus on holiness. Ask Jesus about everything and everyone. Converse with Holy Spirit about everything. Stay close to God by reading the Word daily. Pray for discernment daily. Ask God to remove actions, ways, words, things, places, and people that are not of Jesus daily. Call the angels down, cry out with hands raised high, sing praises, and soldier on in the war upon all of us.

The gates of hell will not prevail!

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