
dandelion nature sunlight
Dandelion Photo by Nita on

What are you blowing in the wind? The enemies trap of gloom, doom, fear, and negative attitudes? OR, are the seeds you are scattering about in your daily life filled with the unconditional love of Christ, positive outlook, uplifting encouragement, and kindness? Every word you speak and the tone of voice you use while speaking sends a message; good, bad, hateful, or understanding. Even our faces show our attitude and real feelings before we ever utter a single word. Our self loathing spews across the room like fire filling the space with anger, deceit, unhappiness, and haughtiness setting us further and further apart . Our self confidence in Christ spews across the room like fire filling the space with calm dialogue, acceptance even in disagreement, love without conditions, and boundaries of peace setting us up for healing relationships. Which way are you scattering – with your relatives, at work, in the grocery checkout, at the gym, in recovery group, at church, in the home, in your neighborhood, at school, with your horse, with your children? In all ways and all things scatter with love.

  • Love without conditions lifts barriers so a meeting of the minds can occur: Even just a hug, a smile, a nod, or a pat on the back is enough to start dialogue so healing can begin
  • Conditional Love says you are not worthy of my time spent to understand and have no appreciation for what you have gone or going through, which leads to resentment and hate, and can set up the pathway to self harm and violence
  • Certainty of Boundaries leads to stability and accountability without anger, shame, or blame: With calm conviction of what you believe, a form of discipline, or even with limits of involvement with toxic people can occur calmly yet firmly with open communication
  • Anger, Bad Attitudes, & showing no respect for others indicates your superior thinking of yourself, that you have no patience with all who you view as idiots, and says “I don’t like anything about you”, which leads to yelling, harsh words, scarred hearts, and painful pasts. It is a sign of insecurity in what one holds dear
  • Encouragement, no matter how small, shows you find worth in others efforts and lifts up their burdens: Any type of help you give others is an encouragement that gives them hope that improvement to situations, relationships, and burdens will be sorted out
  • Discouragement tells of your opinion that you see no hope for others. It sets them up for failure even before they try just by your attitude. Disappointment sets in and piles up until others believe there is no point in trying
  • Kindness simply says: “I’m trying to understand“, “You are worthy of my time”, “We may disagree, but still be kind”, “I am interested in your well being” all of which leads to healing, peace, and community. It is a way to say “I acknowledge your struggles that I know nothing about”
  • Cruelty indicates there is no appreciation for your efforts and you are not worthy of my acceptance and kindness
  • Thankful in all ways indicates that no matter what is going on others are appreciated: Blessings of Prayers, smiles, love, and just showing genuine concern all leads to health for you and others
  • Ungratefulness leads to firewalls of hate, missed opportunities, and lost teaching moments all of which leads to a disconnected relationship

“Scatter Wisely! Where the wind blows, so does your legacy. Spread seeds of Hope far and wide in your daily life lifting yourself and others along with you towards the light ”

~Donna Pool

“Scatter your seeds in the morning, and in the evening, don’t be idle because you don’t know which will succeed, this one or that one, or whether both will be equally good.” Ecclesiastes 11:6