Save The Children

Are you using your God given Sword, His Word, to help save those less fortunate, in trouble, or abused? Do you Pray His Words over horrible situations humanity uses to satisfy deep depravity? When you worship with praise and song, does your heart also beckon you to seek revelation about hard circumstances, injustice, and captive children? There is a time to dance with the Lord and a time to fight in His name. If you believe His justice requires killing, you have been deceived. A true warrior is self sacrificing at any given time for the good of all, not just themselves, a select few, or when it’s convenient. And, Yes, above all. do whatever it takes in your part of the world, neighborhood, community and circle to help protect and save the children. You will know what to do and say at the right time; AsK Holy Spirit.

“Watch out that no one deceives you… You must be on your guard… do not worry… Just say whatever is given you at that time for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” Mark 13:5 Remain Watchful ~ Pay Attention to your Surroundings ~ Don’t Be Afraid to SpeakUp on Behalf of Someone