Sanctity of Life

Credit: Walter Jon Williams
This quote has circulated on social media for awhile now. It came up again recently and I pondered the deeper meaning with the Divine. Having been a survivor of a traumatic event many years ago, PTSD set in and took over my life for awhile. By the grace and mercy of God it no longer affects me that way. Is it gone? No! Do I still get triggered? Yes! However, the Spirit within teaches me everyday how to live a good, spirit filled, productive life without the control of that fear hanging around my neck. I acknowledge it, I testify about it, I reach deep within and then I move on in the Divine. His Spirit saved my Spirit because I asked for it in my deepest despair. It’s a daily relinquishing.

How is it that we humans have come to this? When did the mindset of all living things are valuable change? Well, to clarify, in human mindset not God’s mindset. All of this hurt, hate, greed, pride, selfishness, and destruction makes me view humans as devolving into hell rather evolving into heaven. From setting the homeless on fire, killing children, selling baby parts, and drug wars to rampant pedophilia, it’s an unpretty picture and these thoughts don’t even include the nationwide destruction of property and worldwide starvation. Humans have disregarded the sacred in all life to embrace selfishness, me, myself, and I, and hold in disregard anyone and anything else. I find it very sad that those who feel oppressed would rather destroy everything around them, including innocent fellow humans, rather seek to build better community. Yes, humans have proven to be more destructive than any forest animal when they side with the enemy.

I’m not actually afraid of werewolves, vampires, haunted hotels, or demons, but this quote gives great pause for reflection. Demons can be rebuked in Jesus name, but for humans to forsake God’s creation of life for selfish endeavors in order to indulge in the vilest of sins leaves a despairing image of death rather than hope in healing. Why have humans turned on each other in such a vicious way in the “freest” country in the world? One of the most fearful things in life is feeling out of control within hopeless circumstances. But, isn’t that what Satan’s whole idea is?