Remember Daniel in the Lions den a couple of days ago? Those who had dishonored Daniel to get him in trouble were searched out, found out, and not only were they themselves thrown into the lions den, but also their wives and children. Their trickery, selfishness, and bad choices got whole families killed. This is the character nature of allowing disappointment to rule your life and indicates Jealousy at its finest; or rather lowest. Guess who did not show up to close the lions mouths? Satan
“At the king’s command, the men who had falsely accused Daniel were brought in and were thrown into the lions den along with their wives and children. And before they reached the floor of the den the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.” Daniel 6:24
Daniel lived his life remaining faithful to God in prayer, in words, in actions, and in attitude.
What does your life reflect? Life or Death? We all experience disappointment, hurt, dishonor, pain, misunderstanding throughout our lives. Even during these times, a life lived with honesty, truthfulness, kindness, and integrity putting faith before each and every choice physical need, emotional need, and attitude leads to wholeness at the end of the day. The hungry lions sleep and so will you.
An angry, jealous attitude of lies, revenge, animosity, hate, or trying to control it all on your own leads to a slow, painful death and it affects whole families for generations to come. The hungry lions devour you day after day, night after night.
We are all living life on earth together. It’s all in how we live it. What does yours reflect? Who is watching how you deal and cope? Who do you turn to? What are you teaching? Don’t let Satan break you. It’s evident he doesn’t show up to help when the dirty work is done.
Stay focused on God’s Truths. Living life His Way is filled with Divine Completeness.