Rise and Set

Each morning, we rise with the sun to be the best spiritual warrior on earth who God can use for the good of all. It makes no difference about our past, and tomorrow is not promised. Today is all we have, and it begins full of opportunities, hope, and new blessings. Make it the best day ever in Jesus’ name.

Each evening, we set aside the day with all of its imperfections, unfinished business, blessings, incomplete tasks, joys, servitude, and unexpected chaos. Whatever today presents to us tomorrow, it has become the past. Make peace with and be thankful for this day in Jesus’ name.

SunRise to SunSet seek to make this day about God’s purpose instead of worldly endeavors. It is then that your purpose on earth will become evident. Have a beautiful day and a restful evening.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Psalm 113:3