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Scripture Credit: God

To be truly and fully healed we must acknowledge the trauma, pain, suffering, injustice, unkindness, or life changes due to disease even existed. Then we need to move on to embrace restoration and better days. Yes, sometimes it is hard going to get out from under it; addiction, poverty, cancer, sarcoidosis, rape, domestic or childhood abuse, divorce, bullies, unfair disadvantages…IT ALL TAKES WORK AND EFFORT TO OVERCOME AND WE AREN’T SUCCESSFUL TRYING TO DO IT ALONE. Otherwise, the hurt and utter despair of it all consumes to the point of unhealth, misbehavior, selfish pity, and keeps us stuck in the trauma, which translates into controlling every aspect of our lives even for generations. God Promises restoration. God Promises healing. If only we believed it within as strongly as He heals. It’s a process. It’s in His timing and not on an earthly timeline. Healing looks different for all of us. We all have some sort of traumatic past, but it doesn’t need to control us for the rest of our lives.

Healing Power
Credit Unknown – Native American

The trauma, pain, damage, dis-ease is not meant to be forgotten. It’s going to be a shaping part of your life from then on, BUT why stay wallowing in it when freedom is available. The most important thing to learn from hardship is that it is or was real, but, you are no longer going to allow it to be the main controlling factor in your life.

Your healing journey becomes your testimony of restoration. It is your story of redemption that can lead someone else out of the desolate into the promises. Use Your Story of Healing to Help Someone Else Today!