Reflections of the Heart

What are you reflecting to the world by the way you live your life?

Do others see the goodness of life through Jesus in you amid the evil pursuits of the enemy?

Hurt, pain, anger, rudeness, and shallow commitment are all ways evil pursues us within. These emotions do not reflect Christ and further damage self, relationships, and family dynamics, causing generations of dysfunction. The heart, then, becomes bitter and hardened to hearing the truth of matters. Confusion in regards to who you say you are and who you behave like sets in and healing rifts can not occur.

The reflections of your heart can be transformed in Christ. The willingness reaches far beyond your mind and thoughts. It is a commitment to change. It’s is a process. No one is perfect. Yet, the perfection of Jesus within can help you, change you, heal you, and set your life on a Holy path. You must want it. It’s your choice.

… I live by faith in the Son of God (Jesus), who loves me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20