Reconciliation with Imperfection

Pure love of the imperfect, ourself included, is a serving opportunity.  It takes incredible integrity and honesty to cast aside those words, actions, and emotions we’ve been hurt by too many times. If you cannot serve love and care to yourself you cannot serve love and care to others unconditionally.

When we become a slave to unhealthy ways, words, and actions our own worth slips away and we find ourselves in the midst of the enemy. Without knowing when it happened, we become yoked to never feeling good about ourselves. We trudge through life and can’t seem nor want to disentangle from self punishment and punishment of others over and over and over. It continues for generations….

YET, when we turn it all over to the Divine Savior, Holy steps in and begins a magical work within. Miracles still happen.

It’s time to reconcile with your imperfect self, realizing that those imperfect people God places in our lives may just be there for a reason. Afterall, there are no perfect people so the lesson is ours to learn; not theirs. They must learn their own lessons.

Who you are in God’s eyes is enough. Acceptance of His work in you allows forgiveness and transformation of self. You become free from the tangled web of hurt, deceit, addiction, lies, pretending, betrayal, over reactions, over thinking, over analyzing, and selfishness. 

God reconciled Hosea to his imperfect wife. God reconciles our imperfect selves to Himself through Jesus.

Hosea 2 & 3

If God did it for Hosea; God can do it for you. Holy Spirit within is your guide. Don’t let it lie dormant any longer. Holy Spirit Come!

Who you are is enough in God’s eyes. It’s the enemy that tears you apart.