Recognize Your Light

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“Jesus said to them, “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand? For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.” Mark 4 21, 22 (NIV)

Dark days and Dark ways lie in wait for each of us to give up the fight for Good. This leads us to give in to rejecting the Good we have done so far viewing it as just never good enough. When you add to that harmful self-talk. the tendency is to grow so fearful that it feels safer to hide rather than courageously march forth with what is Right, Possible, and more Good. BUT, THAT IS NOT HOW WE ARE CREATED BY THE DIVINE CREATOR OF THIS WORLD! We are Created with a Courage so full of Light nothing can dim it’s reaches. The Light (Jesus) of the World lives within you. Recognize Your Light ! It lies in wait, too! Which one will you choose?

Sift through the darkness to find your Light and Goodness, God-ness, and Courageousness will lift you up and set you apart so that you begin to see life through His eyes and not your own. You have the Divine Power within to Win for Good, Stand For Good, and Be Heard for Good; even amid crisis after crisis.

Do not let the Dark define you. Fight for the Holy Light within that will be your Beacon of Hope to Shine not only within your own life, but, more importantly, upon this World.