Quiet and Strong

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Loud might look powerfully strong, but actually it comes across rude or controlling many times. As well, the world seems to popularize loud, dramatic nonsense while ignoring the ones calmly declaring quiet truths. It takes incredible strength to remain true to the quiet, yet strong, demeanor of Jesus in the face of a jerk. Yelling back is so much easier, but neither side gains agreement, heals relationships, finds peace, or enables understanding. It actually weakens and weakens then destroys. Sound familiar? Loud distracts from truths, steals calm, and destroys respect just like the enemy.

Maybe it’s time to choose the high road and stop allowing satan to control every aspect of life in this world. Take back control with quiet strength. If no one listens when you aren’t yelling, then it’s their loss. Perhaps oneday they will eventually stop yelling and quietly listen.

For they do not speak peace, But they devise deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.” Psalm 35:20