
We have been given much in our lives. Why do we always want more, something different, or languish in pineing for the greener pastures of others? How do we break that cycle?

If we stay in that cycle of looking elsewhere, we miss the opportunities for peace and contentment that God lays right in front of us. In Jesus, we have all we need to be content. So why are so many not content with the blessings they already have in life?

In our pursuit of a perfect existence while living in this imperfect world, our thoughts are always focused on somewhere other than our perfect God. His promises of provisions, protection, and prevailing in the mission and hope filled encouragement along the journey of life are the crux of our faith. His promises do not include wealth, powerful friends, or a better variety of entertainment in our lives, or even at church.

It is always in God’s timing that our provisions fall into place at just the right moment. Without looking back or forward, in that moment, His providence becomes clear. In this world, we tend to confuse wants with needs. We need very little to survive, but the world gives us the impression that we must have more, better. When we least expect it, excessiveness creeps into our lives to the point of our detriment. It becomes a distraction away from God. Even Barnabus had trouble willing to embrace all of God’s people.

Barnabas was an encouraging man of God. He was set apart by the Holy Spirit to work for God for the good of all, not a select group or denomination. As all of us, he, too, had his flaws. He did not like the Gentile believers. He was aloof. But, in His obedience to God (not man), he wisely accepted counsel to correct that flaw. He overcame it in Jesus’ name.

Pray for a better understanding of your role in this world instead of chasing worldly ideology that leads to stress.

We all will get what we need when it’s time. Do not give up or give in to what this world says. Stay focused on God’s promises, timing, process, and, in obedience to Holy, remain patient in the waiting.

Acts 13

Today, be an encourager, not a criticiser.

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