Pride Is The Downfall

Credit: Ezra Taft Benson
Ezra Taft Benson, Influential American Farmer, man of God, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture 1953-1961. His time spent in service to the President and this country sent him to Europe where he witnessed the effects of socialist communism. He became a strong opponent of the creeping agendas of socialism in US universities and media warning, even then, the Constitution was in jeopardy. In 1965 he gave a rousing speech to this effect. He was not a perfect man, but then none of us humans are perfect. His quote speaks volumes for today’s world, and I find it interesting that God used this man’s real life to teach about His Word in Amos, again, today regarding human Pride. It is humanities downfall.

“I abhor the pride of Jacob (selfish, self important, prideful people) and detest their fortresses (idols, unshared wealth, churches of world, ignoring the poor)… you have turned justice into poison, the fruit of righteousness into bitterness – you rejoice in the conquest…by your own strength… Amos cried out, Lord Forgive… so the Lord relented, (but set a standard of living; a plumb line of being concerned with what is right not self aggrandizement couched in the lie of help for all)… Then the Lord Said, Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people. The high places will be destroyed, the sanctuaries will be ruined, with my Sword (Word) I will rise against the House of Jeroboam (evil).” Amos 6 & 7 excerpts

A Humble Heart is not weakness, accepting abuse, or keeping quiet. Jesus had a humble heart, but was the strongest soul on earth. Humility is an attitude of Doing The Right Thing at any given time even if it inconvients us, is uncomfortable, or hard to do. It is self-less, not self serving. It is about helping others; standing up against child trafficking, lies, decptions, lures of addictions, poverty. Humility is the standard by which we all should place in our hearts as the most important way to live in Jesus Name! Raise Your Sword of His Word and seek Who You Can Help, not Hurt, Today?