Pioneer or Prisoner?

Pioneer: Preparing the Way, To go Before, To Make Progress, A Founding Leader, Jesus, the Pioneer of Faith

Either way you are forging your way through life. Why not make life purposeful? As a prisoner of the past life is hard, unfulfilling, becomes unhealthy, and it’s always a struggle. As a Pioneer of the future there are endless possibilities of hope, positive optimism, world changing actions, life changing progress, and a leader is born. To make the change in your own life start each day seeking to set free the chains that are holding you from moving forward into your God given, Pioneering Spirit. This is the inspiration that will get you through the ill will of the day. Sometimes it’s just being the Pioneering leader our family needs for today. It doesn’t have to be a national movement, but one family at a time will, helping others one at a time, or seeking positivity one day at a time can change our world. You got this! Start Today. What are you Pioneering today? Your Past or Your Future?

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the Throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2