When we can go through each day with the joy of Christ at the forefront of every encounter, every circumstance, every word, and every action, we end the day in peace. It is when we allow minor infractions to irritate, sour attitudes to aggravate, or one delay after another to interfere with how we have planned our day to go to ruin it.
Why do we not go straight to the Holy Spirit for guidance through each situation? Our feelings are easier to flip around than taking a moment of quiet discernment before proceeding. Our feelings are self driven, and that is where the enemy wants to keep us.
Therefore, by the end of the day, we are exhausted, not only physically, but, moreover, spiritually. Joy and peace elude us yet again.
Today, take self out of every situation, interaction, equation, and replace it with the Holy Spirit. Give others their burdens back and hold onto Jesus in faith. Pray for discernment over every person, every encounter, every little thing, every day.
Peace and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Ephesians 6:23
Your joy in Christ alone is found, and peace will settle your spirit at the end of each day when you seek it. Believe it and live it. Do not give up. Let go and let God. It takes work to make it a habit!
May you be filled with peace. Stay focused.