Pause to Discern

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“Jesus returned to His disciples and found them sleeping, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and Pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” Matthew 26:40,41 NIV

Peer pressure, social media, TV, news, jobs, and even families can create situations where we must constantly discern the lies from the truths, right from wrong, evil from good. When life has us in a hurry we become complacent and, if not careful, accepting of all sorts of wrongs, lies, evils, and not quite rights just because it’s easier and doesn’t directly effect us at that time. So we follow along with what everybody else is saying, doing, accepting, and turn a blind eye to injustice instead of pausing to really evaluate the truth of each situation. Next thing we know time flies by and it is only then we realize our complacency has caught up with our beliefs. We suddenly find the mass agenda has not been kind to us. Our faith, our freedoms, our firm beliefs are tossed aside, suppressed, ignored, and debated all because we went along with the flow of the world. It effects us now! It’s time to go with God’s flow and be a whole lot more discerning of each and every situation in our lives. God does not need or want anymore sleepy, lazy, self serving churches and Christian’s who don’t take the time and effort to think things through with a discerning spirit and a Jesus attitude.

It’s not too late. Pause, Discern, Pay attention and Keep Watch. Pray for Truth, Understanding, and Courage to stand with Jesus for what is right, honorable, just, and purposeful even when the struggles get hard, difficulties abound, and suffering comes.