Stay Positive

Martin Luther King said it simply and very well, “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” In a world full of hate choose love. In a city full of violence choose peace. In a family full of disharmony choose positive words. In a job filled with anger …

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Spirit Fruit

One way we stay healthy is by feeding our physical body fresh fruit. By avoiding rotten fruit we guard against becoming physically sick. How do we guard against becoming Spiritually sick? By sowing in our minds the seeds of the Spirit Fruits and fostering their growth in Faith, so they grow larger than any hate, …

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It’s A Process

Life is a process no matter how you tackle it. Wouldn’t it be a magical place to live if all people of all races in every country in this world came together in harmony completing a circle of unity? Our Heavenly Father would be dancing in the courts of heaven if humans could get this …

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The New You

As we move forward with this fresh new infilling of the Holy Spirit of our Divine Creator, it’s time to rewrite the future in Christ. Your new identity begins with Christ and the calling you are destined to fulfill. Out with old, in with the new. Same for the church. What resonates deep within, nudging …

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Growing Pains

Change is one of the hardest choices and/or processes we go through in life. Whether it is changing jobs, schools, moving, divorcing, addiction relapse or recovery, death of a loved one. It takes us out of our place of comfort and can thrust us into turmoil, defeat, anxiety, even panic. OR, it can be the …

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Stoke the Fire

Many times a really exciting and uplifting worship experience, whether it’s one on one with God, singing a praise song in the car, or during a church service, can get us stoked and fired up spiritually only to fizzle out by week’s end. Endless financial setbacks, chaos at work, distractions at home, discord that disrupts …

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Begin, Again!

TODAY, it’s time to AWAKEN, Seek, Watch for, and Re-Birth our Faith and the Church with a fire in our being utilizing the Holy Spirit Within to Break those areas away that are not purposeful and Vitalize those areas of purpose into life. “Let Your Fire Fall and Cast Out All My Fear” – Fear …

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Your Burning Desire

“…I want you to know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit… There are different kinds of gifts. But it is the same Holy Spirit who gives them…The Holy Spirit works in each person in one way or another for the good of all…” 1 Corinthians 12 (Excerpts) WISDOM: to make wise choices, when to …

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Let Your Song Ring True

Did you know that the vibrations, frequencies, and sounds of our cells make music? What is the song of your heartbeat; compassion or anger? What color are your cells vibrating in your aura; forgiveness or bitterness? What is the fragrance of your Spirit within: Holy or Enemy driven? No Matter The Walk We Are On …

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Refined But Not Consumed

“However the Most High does not live in houses made by humans. As the prophet says, Heaven is my throne and earth is my footstool. What kind of house will You (personally) build for me (In Your Heart)? says the Lord. Or where will My resting place be? Acts 7:49 (NIV) Sometimes our heart AND …

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