Armored Up!

God does not leave His warriors (people) unequipped in this world. We are given a clear set of battle gear in Ephesians. Take a look at the attitudes, actions, and/or strategies we can utilize to become battle strong against lies, adversities, evil, temptations, selfishness, confusion, indecision, teenagers (haha, had to throw that in there); you …

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Open The Door

Open the door to your heart and invite the Holy One in to reside, to learn, to understand the mysteries of life. As the birds chirp in the distance, so the Holy of Holy calls. Stop and listen for the Divine. Change is not an easy task. It takes effort to learn the “ropes” at …

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Compassionate Spirit

There are “takers” and there are “givers” in this world. Takers will suck the very life right out of you, kick you when you’re down, then start on another person, family, career, etc. with an attitude of selfish designs and an inconsiderate spirit. Givers will work tirelessly until they have no more to give collapsing …

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A Fighting Chance

“I will Restore…..I will Repair….I will Build….I will Bring Back….My exiled people will Rebuild…They will Plant… They will make Gardens and eat their Fruit….I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the Lord.” Amos 9:11-15 God’s Word is timeless. Amos was a …

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A Twinkle in the Darkness

Ok, I am putting a deep, hidden part of myself out here today because God has asked me to for all people need to hear this message: As I was falling asleep one night this past week, I had a vision. The whole wall I was facing was covered with dark shapes of people moving …

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Heartfelt Tears

The breaking point is different for each of us. The Holy One only wants the best for us. When the world fails you, family disowns you, friends abandon you, no one shows up, help seems unattainable, and you feel there’s no where to turn, Cry Out To Jesus. Remember God will never abandon you.


I stumble, I get careless, I make mistakes, I miscalculate, I say the wrong thing in the wrong way, I sin. I recognize it (repent), I ask for forgiveness, and I accept Jesus’ mercy (un-earned by works or deeds), I change. If God was looking for perfect, holy people I would be left out. But, …

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Why Pray?

Do you believe that what you pray for will occur? Are you willing to wait for God’s timing in your prayer requests even if it means months or years later? When you Pray do you hurry on to your next appointment for the day, go to sleep immediately, or do you wait in silence to …

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Living Faith

A lantern shines in the darkness illuminating the path immediately in front of us. Further ahead nothing can be seen for the darkness envelopes the path with a sea of black. We walk on anyway knowing that little by little we will see enough to get us where we are going even though we don’t …

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