A Time to Listen

Make yourself comfortable and enjoy the silence of the breeze, the scent of falling leaves, and the whisper of His presence. It’s what we’re made for. Listen to the music of the trees and be mesmerized by the thrum of life. It breathes new direction into our bones. Enjoy your day with H.S. “God is

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Birds Sing Not Complain

Birds singing in the crisp, cool air is such a morning blessing. Their puffs of breath signify life in the fullest, even when things do not go quite as planned. They sing because they’re happy. They sing to announce the sunrise. They sing praises to the heavens for they are alive to see another day.

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It Is Love

If we believe the love between animals as well as the love between humans and animals is an unexplainable, magical, supernatural occurrence that we just can’t explain in words sometimes, then why is it hard to believe in the supernatural love of Jesus. From a training standpoint, fear and harsh punishment never develop bonds of

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