
To be truly and fully healed we must acknowledge the trauma, pain, suffering, injustice, unkindness, or life changes due to disease even existed. Then we need to move on to embrace restoration and better days. Yes, sometimes it is hard going to get out from under it; addiction, poverty, cancer, sarcoidosis, rape, domestic or childhood …

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One in the Spirit

What a dull, depressing place of existence if all of us were created the exact same like a world filled with robots making no room for feelings, diverse gifts, abilities, or excitement in life. Thank goodness for diversity for that is where we can hold each other up. What one is good at doing another …

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In a world overwhelmed with need, you can always choose to help someone No one should expect any one person, organization, government, or religious entity to take care of and help everyone all by themselves; Do Your Part Survival in this world depends on our choosing to help, not harm A healthy functioning Community of …

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Deeper Truth

Several weeks ago I talked about God’s mathematical sequences in creation and how the Fibonacci spiral appears in many elements of creation (sunflowers, chambered nautilus shells, the cochlea of the human ear, rose petals, DNA molecules..). One of the biggest lessons learned in this is that we truly live a circular type life pattern. In …

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Lion Heart

Remember those chains and bonds I talked about yesterday? When you break those chains of addiction, oppression, bonds of fear, anxiety, or whatever it is in life that keeps you anchored to the enemy camp, You Become Powerful in Jesus name. You start seeing and hearing things that you can decisively know whether it’s Truth …

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No Kidding

All you have to do is ask a recovering addict, a poverty stricken person whose family has been oppressed and poor for generations, one who has experienced hateful bullying and trauma, and even the single mom trying to raise two kids alone juggling work, school, food, healthcare, for they all know the chains and bonds …

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Purposeful Life

Is your Mission on earth for Divine Purpose? Do You know your Purpose and Mission? Do you even believe you are fully created by the Divine with a specific Mission and Purpose to complete while on earth? Each of our missions are not complete until either Jesus comes or we go to Jesus in heaven. …

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Faith or Fear?

It’s your choice. Every step you take, friends you have on social media, TV shows you watch, who you listen to in life, all the decisions you make, how you respond hardships… reflect that choice every moment of every day. Our choices feed whatever we allow into our very souls then shapes us into who …

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Wrapped In Light

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:12-13 If we go to the Father in prayer every time we take a step in our daily lives, He wraps …

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Be Amazed by His Grace

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age……” Titus 2:11 (ESV)