At some point in life we reach a season where we know in order for change for the better to occur we must let go of old habits and mindsets that haven’t served us well in order to create a lifestyle of good habits with a good heart. It’s like heart surgery that only God can do. When we ask to Be better, Do Better, Act Better, Feel Better, the Divine One is faithful in His timing. Even though sometimes it will not be our timing, God ALWAYS comes through giving all the help we need at the exact time we need it.
How you ask? He sends us encouragement, words, hugs, forgiveness by way of other people, even on social media. He enlightens us by way of His Holy Spirit within our very own Spirit He created. He uses life events to teach us when we try to see it through His eyes. Angel armies are sent to surround, assist, and protect us daily even though we may not see them. Our prayers of asking for the taking away and making us new, enlightened, revived, strong allows His forgiveness to scrub us clean within for change. Be Patient.
When we are in a place of brokenness, overwhelmed with a life that has dragged us down beyond the ability of peace and love, ask for a change of heart from the Holy One. Then Pray your way to new habits of thinking and living in Peace and Love.