We all look different, think differently, and react to life by the way we feel. In our own unique ways, we are beautifully created and loved by the Creator. Showing love costs nothing. Demanding that others be just like us costs more than our well being and sanity.
We are called to love one another without conditions, limits, jockeying for position, or judgement. Divine calls each of us in love to recognize our own temptations, missteps, failings, and to accept that certain ways are not acceptable. Holy is patient. Holy is kind. Holy waits for us to stop running away. Holy makes all things beautiful in Holy timing and sends unknown prayer warriors, angels, animals, friends, and neighbors to show us the way back home in love and guidance. Never give up praying for the wayward ones to find their way back to Jesus. Never stop praying for yourself to do what is right in the ways of Holy.
“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11