Muddy Waters

Life is full of muddy waters. Yet, God can orchestrate beauty from the murky chaos. A lot of preparation goes on in the mud for a lotus to grow before the shoot reaches the surface of the water. The beautiful flower born out of the mud can’t survive in the mud. However, as the shoot finally bursts through the water its journey produces an unrivaled flower that stands proudly in the sun showing off the incredible effort in creation.

Life is messy, but God makes beauty out of it. Holy takes us by the hand and leads us through the dark waters of life leading us to the Sonshine. That is, if we allow it. Don’t get stuck in the mud. Do the work. Make the effort. Watch Your beautiful life emerge from the muck into a fresh burst of splendor. Spend time with Jesus. We are all a work in progress.  Don’t stay in the  murky waters of life. Reach for something new, empowering, and Holy.

In our distractions it becomes easier to scroll tiktok on our phone rather than read the Word. We don’t mean to be unfaithful to our relationship with God, but we are tired, frustrated, sick, or suffocating in the mud. The only way up and out is to grasp the hands of God in prayer, conversation, songs, and reading His Word in order to know His Way. You are a beautiful flower waiting to be born. Today’s the day.

Pay attention! Listen…… Hosea 4 & 5

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