Move On

Sometimes we want to walk through that door so bad. God will hold it shut tight because it’s not the door He has for you. -dp

You can bang on that door as long and as loud as you can, but if it’s not for you it won’t matter. Break off as many keys as you want, but it will not open.

Are there doors in your life that you have spent a lifetime trying to walk through at the expense of living your fullest life. Do you keep cycling back around to the same door trying to figure out how to get through it?

Stop! Even if it’s the best opportunity in the world, the most fun hobby ever, or the greatest relationship, if it’s not God’s will for your life it will never work. And, you are missing out on the greatest opportunities, hobbies, and relationships God does have for you. Look for those doors and no longer focus on the doors that take too much of your energy and wellbeing. You will then become content.

 â€œI know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation 3:8