In my mind Mary and Joseph were assigned huge mountains to show humanity the love and sincerity of God within by way of the Holy Spirit for her and by way of the angel dream for him. These 2 humans accepted their assignment and moved the world to a better understanding of the Divine that is timeless.
Yet they are not the only ones. David, for all his imperfections and mistakes that included murder, had a heart for good and right. He was used by God to move many mountains on behalf of doing the right thing and leading the people in fair and just way. Paul was an atheist who killed Christians for a living until his encounter with the living God on the road to Damascus. It was a power filled conversion. He served to move many mountains for humanity wherever he found himself from then on.
When God moves mountains on your behalf by your faith that is your testimony. Do you know what mountain you’ve been assigned? How much faith must you put into your situation to create change? This year may require many mountains to be moved. Seek movement toward what is Truth, Good, Right, Justice, and Healing. It’s not the size of the mountain. It is the size of your belief and immense faith.
“If you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (in His Name).” Matthew 17:20