I was sitting in a class one day listening to the group expound upon their perfect life, perfect parents, perfect world, feeling all blessed, and I silently wondered why I wasn’t good enough to experience all of that perfect little world.
Immediately, God spoke to my spirit and said, “My child, there is not a perfect person in this room, in this world, in any family, nor will there ever be enough on earth to create it. I am your mother’s love, your father’s love, your families love, and it’s real, not fake. Be authentic. Speak your story”.
It took all my courage, but towards the end of the class I boldly spoke of how my mother was my shield, my protector, my guide, my biggest supporter, and best friend growing up amid the chaos and uncertainty of alcoholism, selfish ambition, trauma, and that while we were not a perfect family, we survived with God’s blessings. The room remained silent as I broke through the bubble of fake living, but realize I was only brave enough to do it with God’s leading, wording, and supporting love. If I had stayed focused on the room full of friends I would have went home depressed. Instead, I made a choice to take a leap of faith to speak up of the realities of this world.
As life goes along, I came to realize that even my mother’s love doesn’t compare to God’s way of loving, comforting, protecting, guiding, and surrounding each of us in this world. It’s the only authentic love.
Isaiah 66:13 “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.”