As I sat with the Holy Spirit last night on my screened porch, I thought about this quote and questioned why so many think of miracles in terms of rarity and magnitude. Why not everyday thankfulness for the miracle of surviving accidents, changed attitudes, addiction recovery, answered prayers,or a tiny white feather found on the porch at night with no birds in sight?
Miracles are Divine interventions in our human lives made up of extraordinary occurrences, healing, and unexplainable events that only God can orchestrate. Miracles can be small and go unnoticed or magnificent parting of seas, healing cancers, and saving prodigals over and over. God seeks daily interaction with each of us. Miracles will be missed in our everyday if we are not focused on Holiness and instead stay caught up in the daily activities of our lives.
Today, wise up. Seek and find the common miracles in your every day and thank God for His provision, sustaining connection, protection, and surprises.
God does wonders that cannot be understood; he does so many miracles [marvelous acts] they cannot be counted. Job 5:9