Mary the Unstoppable

Mary was unstoppable. Her faith gave her confidence in the face of ridicule. Her strength came from the God-babe within. Her determination came from Gods Word as she carried the savior of the world. Prayers sustained her mission to continue on in the darkness of fear of the unknown. She traveled and delivered the light of the world in harsh conditions yet welcomed all to share in the joy.

Are you feeling unstoppable in your faith in Christ?

Sometimes in life, we, too, must continue on in spite of difficulties, harsh realities, and disappointing setbacks. The light of the world lives within us, too. If we are determined to tend our faith, seek Gods Word, pray without ceasing, and welcome joy into our lives amid the hardships, we, too, will be unstoppable in Christ.

You, too, are unstoppable in Christ!

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:19