Make Time to Listen

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Bells: a Holy Sign, a symbol of Peace & Freedom, a call to the faithful, a call to worship, a sign of the message from God to the church, to herald the arrival of the supernatural, a summoning to wake up and hear, a signal of change, a Sound to Listen

Change comes through alignment in prayer. It’s the timing that trips us up. Patience is the key.

What are you hearing? Are you listening or just hearing noise, bustle, disconnected words, traffic exhausts, and loud roars? We are all worn out from sickness, Christmas, stress, lost loved ones, political games, and lies. Now more than ever we must be listening to each other, to the Holy within, and be willing to stop what we are doing and delve into deeper meanings. Peace in the midst of chaos can be found, but we must listen for it, search for it, and make time to discern the real meaning behind everything. It is then pain is eased, hearts are healed, and life giving freedom can move from ourselves individually out into the world.

Listen up! The sound of Christ can be heard, seen, felt, and experienced. Sometimes Holy comes in the glaring light in the dark room, on angels wings, miracle healing from deathly sickness, and tiny bells tinkling in the wind.

“A golden bell and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe round about (sewn along the hem of Aaron’s Holy garment). It (the robe) shall be on Aaron when he ministers and its tinkling shall be heard when he enters and leaves the holy place.” Exodus 28:34,35

“In that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses (bridles, harness, etc) ‘Holy To The Lord.” Zechariah 14:20