An unwavering faith lends you the capability to push through above and beyond what is humanly possible. For God knows, Jesus saves and works to tend to your soul in every way. All the while, satan is pushing your buttons, tempting you with your greatest desires, and goading you into going the wrong way. Do not fall for the enemy’s fake words that lead to prideful feelings.
He will command His angels concerning you, and they will lift up their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Matthew 4:6
This scripture appears to be one of the most comforting until you realize it is what satan said to Jesus in the wilderness as he tried to tempt Him to throw Himself off of the temple to prove He was God. Satan went after Jesus in His moments of weakness. He does the same to us.
Now, Jesus did not need to be reminded who He was from a liar. He did not take the bait. He stayed the course and weathered the onslaught. We can do the same when we know what is happening, and our faith is unwavering. It is the confusion and possibly lack of knowing God well enough that bites us.
Do not be fooled. Stay close to God so that you don’t fall into satans grip even when he quotes scripture. Know the scriptures yourself. Study God’s Word. Don’t just read it. Be strengthened through daily prayer and conversations with Holy Spirit guidance. Maintain and nurture your personal relationship with Jesus. Faith becomes unwavering when you make time to grow it.
For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands, they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. Psalm 91:11,12
Hold fast to the hem of Jesus’ garment. Make it personal.