Make a Difference

Each one is created unique and possesses God-given gifts within to help others find Jesus. We must use those gifts to make a holy difference in a hard, cold world or risk falling to the temptations in front of us. Jesus did not have it easy. Neither do we.

The religious leaders of Jesus’ time had concocted themselves a system of corrupt power and authority.  They did not want Jesus to swoop in and take over, thinking they would lose their evil system of power plays. To be so educated in religion, they totally missed the meaning.  It led to leading the people astray instead of to God. Sounds very much like today.

Jesus maintained His humble attitude while Speaking the Truth. That made all of the difference between the religious leaders and Jesus’ teachings. Jesus had the God-given gift of knowing what to do, say, and when to act because He focused on staying close to God, and He actually listened to Holy. We must do the same.

Whether our gifts are speaking, writing, singing, organizing, creating art, or administration, we are called to glorify the kingdom of God in our daily lives. We can make a difference in this world, but we must stay close to God and follow His lead, not our own.

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” I tell you, Jesus replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Luke 19:39-40

Seek advice from God. Follow the way of your gifts presented in truth. Humbly speak up in Jesus’ name, for if we do not, we can’t make a difference in the lives of others.