Love Those Feeling Unworthy

Each of us go through times in life when we feel hopeless, unworthy of love, unclean, too far gone for God to love us much less other people… Others stay in that place of hopelessness and never seem able to find a way out of it. In this world today, there are too many judgmental fingers pointed in the direction of those we as humans deem as unworthy of our time, thoughts, prayers, and love only confirming their feelings and attitudes of “I don’t care”, “I’m ok anyway without them”, “I’m too far past being helped anyway”, etc. Over time this slowly turns into anger, violence, self harm, addictive behaviors, uncaring attitude for life and humanity, selfish actions, and mean words. As believers, we have a Savior that loves us unconditionally without expecting payment of worthiness in return. Jesus calls each of us to love others unconditionally whether they fit OUR criteria of worthiness or not.

If your spiritual life description was jotted down like your occupational job description today, would you be fulfilling your goals to reach out to All in Jesus Name, share His love, tell of His salvation, and pray at every opportunity? Or are you doing as little as you can to stay in the name of being a Christian? Dabbling in religion is just that; one day a week relationship with the Divine, when it’s convenient for you, when you feel like it, when it fits your need at the time, is not how we are called to live. Dabbling is not a commitment and only lends itself to make us feel good about the fellowship without hearing the deep message, enjoying the music we like without feeling God’s presence, and the attitude that “I’ve checked church off my list this week now on to the ballgame”. This is still about Self, Shallow Faith, and Seeking a “Feel Good Religion”. Maybe it’s time for re-evaluating your Spirit life.

” (Jesus said) Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7

As believers, we are definitely called beyond “self” and are to step out into the world everyday with Holy Spirit led knowledge, continual prayer, looking for opportunities to show and share with others that Jesus loves and accepts All, and so should we not stopping to consider if they are worthy! He died for All. It’s never too late to show His Love and change someone’s life today.

” Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36