Love Is Sharing a Ride

Photo Credit Unknown

The turtle would have had an easier journey if not weighted by the two travelers hitching a ride. Yet rather than a burden the turtle had company along the way to shore. The frog could’ve dipped his long legs into the water one time and the snail hanging on for dear life would have effortlessly slid into the cool waters. But, the frog didn’t. Instead the frog gave a ride as a friend using his legs to balance on the turtles shell for the both of them. The tiny snail is thankful for being allowed to tag along in safety even though she is very different from the others.

In fact, these three animals not are alike at all yet freely help each other get to where they’re going. They teach us that we are all going through life towards the same end: death. We are all unique in looks, ways of traveling, where we are in life at this very moment, our greatest strengths and weaknesses, but we all can accept our differences and get along, if we choose to do so. Life should not be about just surviving. Life is supposed to be about thriving amid the persecution, chaos, plagues, unexpected disasters, and relationship confusion. Sharing is a form of love. Instead of selfish pursuits in the name of success and self importance, why not seek who you can help today. You might just lighten someone’s burden in an unexpected way and find yourself a changed person on the way to life after death. Life is not to be seen as a burden. Life is to be shared. Share the ride!

“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 “For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14